10 Days Around Iceland (Part 2)

Every now and then you have a day where everything just seems to fall into place. You’re in the right place, at the right time and nothing can kill your mood. Wednesday in Iceland was exactly that sort of day.

10 Days Around Iceland (Part 1)

After already adding a North American start to my (supposedly) European holiday, it was all but impossible to resist a stopover in Iceland.

Getting to know Montreal

It’s hard to know where to begin describing the two and a half weeks I spent in Montreal. As anyone who’s done it knows, staying with locals is really good way to see a new place. When they also happen to be a couple of great friends, there’s nothing better!

Quebec City

Quebec City really does feel like a taste of Europe in North America. I had three days in the provincial capital and loved it. 

Exploring Mont Tremblant

Mont Tremblant is about 130km north west of Montreal and is a heaven for year-round outdoor activities and major sporting events including Formula One and Ironman triathlons. So, naturally, we had to go check it out.